Carlsbad Chiropractor - Dr. Derek Rupp | 3144 El Camino Real, Suite 201, Carlsbad, CA 92008

Treat Headaches And Migraines With Chiropractic

Treat Headaches And Migraines With Chiropractic

Headaches and migraines are very common and recurring. They are both neurological issues. The patent symptom of migraine is a headache, vomiting, and nausea. Because of their commonness, their underlying problem is difficult to diagnose. Doctors can only suppress when the headache and migraine are active but cannot completely irradiate them.  So, patients suffering are now searching for options that will give them permanent relief and a chiropractor is the one they should opt for.

Doctors treat it with muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory drugs, which come with their heavy baggage of side effects. Headaches and migraines are often experienced in combination with neck and muscle stiffness and difficulty in jaw movement.  A Chiropractor can resolve headaches and migraines and resolve the underlying issue.

A Chiropractor will treat the migraine and associated headache by focusing on spinal adjustments, natural movement, and the pressure points on the spinal cord, and focus on soft tissue therapy to improve spinal function.

How does Chiropractic treatment help with headaches and migraines?

Their primary function line is compression and decompression of joints and muscles. Then they massage the myofascial points, particularly the membrane that withholds the powers, and therapy-focused trigger points focused on areas with tense muscles. A chiropractor will often use a combination of the current line of action to irradiate headaches related to migraine and migraine.

A sinus headache caused by sinuses in nasal passages responds very well to treatment by a chiropractor. Similarly, a cluster headache that stems from a nerve issue in the face and causes pain, twitching, and, worst case, paralysis is easily alleviated by a chiropractor decompressing the nerves. A tension headache that feels like a tight grip develops because of tension in scalp muscles or the spine if one can additionally feel a pull in at the base of the skull. Instead of temporarily diminishing it, a chiropractor will relax and adjust the tensed muscle and provide permanent relief.


In order to permanently get rid of migraines and headaches, a Chiropractor should be consulted. The professionals at West Coast Chiropractic Center will locate the subluxation through chiropractic adjustments and then use instruments like the activator to fix them and provide relief.

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